
Title of Show: Matilda

Synopsis: In this musical adaptation of Roald Dahl’s famous book, the intelligent Matilda shows children and adults that being little doesn’t mean you have to take it on the chin. Summer fun for all ages! (Rated PG)

Director: Mary Hubbard
Music Director: Juan Carlos Alarcon
Choreographer: Lincoln Wright
Stage Manager: Leigh Taylor

Ages Called: 12+ (this is a change from last year’s auditions)



Sunday, June 13 (2PM-6PM) @ SBCT
Monday, June 14 (6:30PM-9:30PM) @ SBCT


Five days a week, Monday-Friday 6-9PM starting July 5th. Some Saturdays or Sundays may be added as needed. Tech Sunday: September 5th. 


September 10-26 at the Wilson Auditorium



Mr. Wormwood: Matilda’s uncaring father. A slimy, greedy, used car salesman. Baritone, A3 – D4

Michael Wormwood: Matilda’s older brother. He’s not very bright and favored by their parents.

Bruce: Matilda’s classmate. He is subjected to extreme punishment by Miss Trunchbull.

Lavender: Matilda’s classmate and friend.

Amanda: Matilda’s classmate

Violet: Matilda’s classmate 

Teen Ensemble (at least six actors needed)

General Ensemble: Includes multiple small roles for young actors 12+ and adults

*** All other roles are filled from last year’s auditions. ***


Fill out this audition form prior to auditions. 

Trunchbull Side
Miss Honey Music Cut (Bars 51-110)
Mr. Wormwood Side
Mr. Wormwood Sheet Music (Bars 58-116)
Lavender Side
All Youth Auditioners Sheet Music (Bars 1-46)


– All actors will be required to sing, act, and dance.
-Please dress in comfortable clothing and closed-toed shoes for the choreography portion.
-Please arrive at the beginning of your audition day. You may not be needed the entire time, but should plan on being available for the full length. 

    Vaccination Policy 

    Please review the SBCT Vaccination Policy. 

    Adult Performers (18 and up):

    CIVIC adult performers are required* to be fully vaccinated; therefore, they will not be wearing masks or distancing while on stage.
    *CIVIC directors may make vaccination exceptions for extenuating circumstances, such as health concerns. If this is the case, unvaccinated performers will be required to remain masked at all times including during performances.

    Youth Performers (12 to 17)

    CIVIC youth performers aged 12-17 are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated. If a youth performer is fully vaccinated, masks and distancing are not required. Unvaccinated youth performers will be required to wear masks at all times both on and off the stage.

    Child Performers (11 and under):

    CIVIC child performers aged 11 and under are currently not eligible for vaccination; therefore, child performers will be required to wear masks at all times both on and off the stage.


    Questions? Reach out to the director!